Resort en Costa Blanca Blog

Resort en Costa Blanca

International interior designers you need to know

Decorating a house from scratch is not always easy. That’s how it is! But with a little taste and finding inspiration in the right place, you can get the home you’ve always wanted. And to make your way easier, we have made a list of the most relevant international interior designers in the interior design…

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How the quality of a home is measured

There are many things to consider when looking for a new home. The quality of property depends on many factors that make it more or less attractive for our needs. The environment, the services, as well as the materials are essential to decide on one option or another. But how do we decide which is…

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Sevilla 7: Family apartments by the sea in Oliva Nova

Spending family holidays by the sea is priceless. Undoubtedly, being close to the beach is one of the best ways to disconnect and have fun: both adults and children enjoy a destination like this. Sometimes it is difficult for us to find the ideal accommodation to spend a few days together: the availability and prices…

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Lighting tips to get a brighter home

One of the things we look for the most when we acquire a new home is light. That the spaces are spacious and bright is key to finding peace in our own home. CHG’s homes are designed precisely to receive light at all times. But still there are little tricks that can help to maximize…

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Natural parks to visit near Oliva Nova

The good weather brings with it a thousand and one different plans to do outdoors. Now that you already feel like going on an excursion and doing activities that include some nature, we propose natural parks in Oliva Nova to get to know the area much better. Whether with family, friends or alone, these are…

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Easter holiday with children: The best plan is in Oliva Nova

The long-awaited Easter holidays are finally here. We leave behind the cold days of winter and open a new door to a happier time of year, with longer days of sunshine, warmer temperatures and more time to enjoy what we love most. Of course, to have a really good time with the family, you have…

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The importance of lighting in decoration

We all know how important light is in our daily lives. Without a doubt, it is one of the things that most influences our mood and our health. Therefore, and also because a good decoration depends a lot on it, we are going to give you the tips you need to be right when it…

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Terrace season has started, here’s how to enjoy it to the fullest

Spring is here and that only means one thing. The time has finally come for good weather, sun and… terraces! And it is precisely about the latter that we have to talk today. What would become of us without terraces? Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we have learned to value them more than ever. Having…

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