Resort en Costa Blanca Blog

How to get more space at home without doing construction works

When we talk about houses, saying « space » is a much more relevant concept than many may imagine. Although obviously, the size of the house matters, not only small houses have space problems since what really influences is the number of members who live in the same house and above all, the amount of things they have. However, there are several easy tricks and tips to do to get more space at home without doing construction works.

Some small changes with which your house will also be more organized and tidy and which are very practical to implement at your CHG home as well, since during the summer months the things we take to our beach house can become very many! Suitcases, clothes, children’s toys, utensils for daily use, and of course the basics for the beach and the pool! Towels, shovels, umbrellas… Without a doubt, objects that we use a lot outside the home but that, inside it, it is necessary to keep well stored.

Do not hesitate and follow these simple tricks and have a more spacious and harmonious house!

Tricks to have more space at home

1- Take advantage of the walls up to the ceiling: Often the space between the ceiling and the height of a shelf remains free and unused. This is a mistake since those centimeters, however few they may be, are wasted spaces where things would surely enter you. The advice? Opt for furniture and shelves high up to the ceiling and place in the highest parts or decorative objects if these are in sight or, in the case of having doors, those things that you do not use daily.

2- Furniture in corridors: Although the corridors are usually narrow to gain space in the rest of the rooms, they are a wasted place where shallow furniture can be placed so as not to hinder. One of the most recurring is the shoe rack but you can also invest in a custom cabinet up to the ceiling to store smaller things.

3- Furniture under the windows: Although it is normal for many homes to have radiators underneath, if you are lucky enough to live in areas with warmer climates like Oliva Nova and its wonderful CHG buildings, the space left under the windows is a place very practical to place a piece of furniture. Low shelves, trunks, small benches… the possibilities are endless!

4- Nooks or passageways with made-to-measure furniture: corners, landings, the walls of the stairs or the gaps under them… any « free » space is likely to become a new storage space, seen to place books or objects decoration, or covered with storage furniture and doors to store other less aesthetic things. The important thing is that this nook is not wasted.

5- Benches with storage in the kitchen: another trick to get more space at home without works is to place benches against the wall in the kitchen and that these also contain space to store inside where you can store tablecloths, crockery and other kitchen utensils. Practical and aesthetic!

6- And headboards with a bottom in the room: If you are looking for a little extra space in the room, put a headboard that has a bottom and a trapdoor on top. In this way, you can place books, photos, the alarm clock, etc. on the base and inside have a small space to store the pillow, pajamas or clothes to walk around the house that do not need to be hung.

7- And of course boxes under the beds!: A classic that never fails. Use the space left between the bed and the floor to put boxes underneath and store all kinds of things: clothes, shoes, towels… If you also use transparent boxes to quickly see what is inside each one, you will be able to find everything much faster.

8- And in the children’s room make the most of the space!: bunk beds, trundle beds or putting a loft bed and taking advantage of the space below to place the desk or another bed – and even a small sofa – are some of the many options that you can do in the room of the smallest of the house by have a 90cm single bed that takes up much less space.

ninos pequeños espacio

You know, whatever house you have, with these little tricks you will gain space and you will have a cozy and beautiful house!


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